Yes, a leg-warmer. Just one. It was a trial run, an excuse to use all my scrap yarn, and a way to satisfy my co-worker, Clay's, incessant requests for a way to warm up his leg. After months of resisting, I took to the thing, trying to make the best of clashing colors and varied textures. This is what's fun about making something for the first time: you're both a participant and an observer of a brand new thing that probably won't be your best work, but at least you'll learn what not to do next time.
Like the first time I made a hat for my (at the time) boyfriend, I used too thick needles and too much yarn, and by the time I'd sewn the seam, the hat could've fit on a buffalo. So, I took out the seam and doubled it up. Luckily, he saw opportunity in the handmade gift and exclaimed, "I've never had a hat with a pocket before!" Oh, young love.
The day the legwarmer made it's debut, workers emerged from their cubicles to gawk and chuckle at the new addition to Clay's leg. No one could walk past without questioning his fashion, and he defended it with practiced sincerity. Soon, though, it got hot (as it does in the South), and the legwarmer began its hibernation in the desk drawer. Clay swears he'll wear it when it gets cold, but I'm not holding my breath. One, because the summer's heat is squashing any memory of winter, and two, he'll be much too cool to wear it once his book comes out in November: (You're welcome, Clay.)
Until then, I'll just sit in the circle, learn about Lady Gaga's latest attire, and add some indigo to my burgeoning washcloth.
xxx Corrie Lynn